Create Blog With Hugo
Table of Contents
1 Quick start
gohugo: Quick start
Learn to create a Hugo site in minutes.
In this tutorial you will:
1.1 Create a site
1.2 Add content
1.3 Configure the site
Before you begin this tutorial you must:
- Install Hugo (==>
hugo version
==> v0.120.4
See: and
hugo help
git --version
git --help
You must also be comfortable working from the command line.
/ gohugo: Basic usage /
Step 1.1 Create a site
Run these commands to create a “Hugo site” with the Anatole theme.
(Windows Command Shell)
Create the directory structure for your project in the “mywebsite” directory.
hugo new site mywebsite --format yaml
==> hugo.yaml
See: and
hugo new site -h
(hugo new site mywebsite ==> hugo.toml)
Change the current directory to the root of your project.
cd mywebsite
Initialize an empty Git repository in the current directory.
git init
Clone the Anatole theme into the “themes” directory, adding it to your project as a Git submodule.
git submodule add themes/anatole
- Set the theme in your “hugo.yaml” to Anatole.
theme: anatole
languageCode: en-us
title: My New Hugo Site
theme: anatole
Step 1.2 Add content
- Add a new page to your site:
hugo new content posts/2023/
See: and
hugo new content -h
Hugo created the file in the “content/posts” directory.
Open the file with your editor.
title: "Windows Terminal"
date: 2023-08-23T12:58:55+02:00
draft: true
Add some markdown to the body of the post.
- Save the file, then start Hugo’s development server to view the site. You can run either of the following commands to include “draft” content.
hugo server --buildDrafts
hugo server -D
View your site at the URL displayed in your terminal.
==> http://localhost:1313
Keep the development server running as you continue to add and change content.
Press Ctrl + C to stop Hugo’s development server.
When you finish editing the markdown document, you should set the “draft” value to “false”.
title: "Windows Terminal"
date: 2023-08-23T12:58:55+02:00
draft: false
- Utility
- Windows
- Windows Terminal
toc: true
## How to use the command palette in Windows Terminal
You can invoke the [command palette]( by typing `Ctrl+Shift+P`.
Start Hugo’s development server to view the site.
hugo server
==> http://localhost:1313
Step 1.3 Configure the site
- With your editor, open the site configuration file (hugo.yaml or hugo.toml) in the root of your project.
Set the baseURL for your production site.
This value must begin with the protocol and end with a slash, as shown above.Set the languageCode to your language and region.
Set the title for your production site.
languageCode: en-us # Update to "en-gb" if you prefer, or another language!
title: Website of mlabrkic
theme: anatole
hugo.yaml - next step
# themes\anatole\exampleSite\config\_default\config.toml
languageCode: en-us # Update to "en-gb" if you prefer, or another language!
title: Website of mlabrkic
theme: anatole
# summarylength: 10
enableEmoji: true
# Please note that the title under the [params] only adjusts the page title in the sidebar.
title: My website!
author: mlabrkic
description: Actually, this is the place for my notes!
profilePicture: images/my_github_logo.jpg
readMore: true
copyright: 2023-{{ YEAR }} mlabrkic - Powered by [Hugo]( & [Anatole](
contentratio: 0.8
# hidesidebar: true
# Social links
# use 'fab' when brand icons, use 'fas' when standard solid icons.
- name: e-mail
icon: "fas fa-envelope"
title: "e-mail"
url: ""
- name: Linkedin
icon: "fab fa-linkedin"
title: "Linkedin"
url: ""
- name: GitHub
icon: "fab fa-github"
title: "GitHub"
url: ""
- name: Home
identifier: home
weight: 100
url: "/"
- name: Archive
identifier: posts
weight: 200
url: "/posts/"
- name: Tags
identifier: tags
weight: 300
url: "/tags/"
- name: Categories
identifier: categories
weight: 400
url: "/categories/"
hugo.yaml (+ markup => my final configuration)
# themes\anatole\exampleSite\config\_default\config.toml
languageCode: en-us # Update to "en-gb" if you prefer, or another language!
title: Website of mlabrkic
theme: anatole
# summarylength: 10
enableEmoji: true
# Please note that the title under the [params] only adjusts the page title in the sidebar.
title: My website!
author: mlabrkic
description: Actually, this is the place for my notes!
profilePicture: images/my_github_logo.jpg
readMore: true
copyright: 2023-{{ YEAR }} mlabrkic - Powered by [Hugo]( & [Anatole](
contentratio: 0.8
# hidesidebar: true
# Social links
# use 'fab' when brand icons, use 'fas' when standard solid icons.
- name: e-mail
icon: "fas fa-envelope"
title: "e-mail"
url: ""
- name: Linkedin
icon: "fab fa-linkedin"
title: "Linkedin"
url: ""
- name: GitHub
icon: "fab fa-github"
title: "GitHub"
url: ""
- name: Home
identifier: home
weight: 100
url: "/"
- name: Archive
identifier: posts
weight: 200
url: "/posts/"
- name: Tags
identifier: tags
weight: 300
url: "/tags/"
- name: Categories
identifier: categories
weight: 400
url: "/categories/"
unsafe: true
# style: monokai
# style: perldoc (No, because of bad rendering of the yaml code on the smartphone!!!)
style: solarized-light
Anatole theme Wiki: Anatole theme documentation
Because it can happen that the author of “Anatole theme” deletes its repo, backup the Anatole theme locally to your HDD.
2 Host on GitHub Pages
gohugo: Host on GitHub Pages
Deploy Hugo as a GitHub Pages project or “personal/organizational” site
and automate the whole process with GitHub Actions.
Prerequisites: Create a Hugo site and test it locally with “hugo server”.
Step 2.1 Create a GitHub repository (public)
GitHub: Create a repo
NOTE: To avoid errors, leave this repo empty (no:, LICENSE, .gitignore files (or workflow yml))!!!
(See below: Adding a local repository to GitHub using Git)
Repository name:
Step 2.2 Push your local repository to GitHub
GitHub: Adding a local repository to GitHub using Git
Change the current working directory to your local project:
cd mywebsite
(git remote add origin
(git remote remove origin)
git remote add origin
To list the remote repositories that are configured, along with their URLs:
git remote -v
git status
If "master" branch was initially created, and I want to change its name to "main":
git branch -M main
git add .
git commit -m "Initial setup of website"
To push the changes in your local repository to, run the following command.
git push origin main
GPAT = Personal access token
GitHub: Creating a personal access token (classic)
Step 2.3 Visit your GitHub repository
- On GitHub, navigate to your “site’s repository”.
- Under your repository name, click “Settings”.
- In the “Code and automation” section of the sidebar, click “Pages”.
- Under “Build and deployment”, under “Source”, you will see this: “Deploy from a branch”.
Step 2.4 Change the Source to “GitHub Actions”
GitHub: Publishing with a custom GitHub Actions workflow
Change the Source to “GitHub Actions”.
The change is immediate; you do not have to press a Save button.
Use a suggested workflow, “browse all workflows”, or create your own.
Step 2.5 Use Hugo workflow from GitHub “starter workflows”!
GitHub will suggest several starter workflows.
If you already have a workflow to publish your site, you can skip “Step 2.5” and go to “Step 2.6”.
“browse all workflows” ==> Choose a workflow
Search: hugo, enter
==> Found 1 workflow
Hugo, By GitHub Actions
Click “Configure”!
Rename: hugo.yml ==> gh-pages.yml
branches: [“main”]
Comment these 2 lines:
- name: Install Dart Sass
run: sudo snap install dart-sass
(You may remove this step if your site, themes, and modules do not transpile Sass to CSS using the Dart Sass transpiler.)
GitHub: Commit your first change
Click “Commit changes”! ==> to the main branch
The GitHub Pages settings “will link to the workflow run” that “most recently deployed your site”.
Step 2.6 Use your Hugo workflow!
Create a new folder in your local repository:
Find hugo.yml somewhere, or download
In fact, this is the same Hugo workflow above (from GitHub starter workflows)!
Copy it to the .github/workflows/ folder.
Edit: Everything the same as in “Step 2.5” (1 - 4).
Step 2.7 Commit the change to your local repository
Commit the change to your local repository with a commit message of something like “Add workflow”, and push to GitHub.
(git pull origin main)
git status
git add .
git commit -m "Add workflow"
To push the changes in your local repository to, run the following command.
git push
(Step 2.8 and Step 2.9) From GitHub’s main menu, choose Actions
You will see something like this:
1 workflow run “Add workflow”
When GitHub has finished building and deploying your site, the color of the status indicator will change to green.
Step 2.10 Click on the commit message as shown above
You will see this:
build ==> deploy
Under the deploy step, you will see a link to your live site.
In the future, whenever you push a change from your local repository, GitHub will rebuild your site and deploy the changes.
sgibson91: Blogging with Hugo and GitHub Pages
(Attention, here the GitHub website repo is first created, then copied to the local HDD, and then the Hugo site is created.)GitHub: Learn GitHub Actions
GitHub Pages: Custom GitHub Actions Workflows (beta), July 27, 2022
GitHub Pages: GitHub Pages now uses Actions by default, August 10, 2022